“As drawn here, the arc of world and American history is inspiring.

The book’s narrative about greater and greater equality and independence feels natural and works toward a conclusion that emphasizes increasing inclusion and equality in politics.

The DNA of Democracy is a thorough and praise-filled history of democracy.”

Foreword Reviews




“Impressively presented, “The DNA of Democracy” is extraordinarily informative and thought-provoking.

“The DNA of Democracy” is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to both community and academic library Contemporary Political Science collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.”

It should be noted for students, academia, political activists, politicians, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.

Midwest Book Reviews

“The DNA of Democracy by Richard C. Lyons is like no other history, work of anthropology, or political science book you’ve read before.”

“The depth of research and peripheral history around certain time periods is highly compelling, and there’s simply no way to read this book and not walk away with a richer understanding of humanity’s past.”

“This is an academic text like no other, leading readers towards profound realizations and laughter at the same time. As a work of popular history, the book most certainly succeeds.”

“Lyons captures the reader’s imagination with The DNA of Democracy in a way that few books of this genre can.”

“A thoroughly enjoyable read.”

Self Publishing Review

“Deeply researched and filled with historical references, The DNA of Democracy offers a fresh perspective on the idea of democracy and valuable information that enables readers to understand the historical evolution of democracy, the challenges it has faced throughout history and what the future democracy may look like.

It is a critical work that comes across as a vital reference to historians, students of political science and anyone interested in the art of governance.

This book is intelligently written, well researched, and filled with fascinating ideas.”

Readers’ Favorite

“St. Francis Superstar, a stage giant!”

“Francesco the Musical: a success!”

“Excitement between dance and flash-backs”

“The Francesco of Cerami demands immortality”